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45.12. Allah ist es, Der euch das Meer dienstbar gemacht hat, damit die Schiffe darauf auf Seinen Befehl fahren und damit ihr nach etwas von Seiner Huld trachtet, und auf daß ihr dankbar sein möget.

[ alGatiya:12 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alAn'am (6)  Ayah: 21


Medina-Musshaf Seite 130

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

6.21. Waman adhlamu mimmani iftaraAAala Allahi kadhiban aw kadhdhababi-ayatihi innahu la yuflihu aldhdhalimuuna

6.21. Who doth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah and denieth His revelations? Lo! the wrong doers will not be successful (Pickthall)

6.21. Und wer handelt Unrechter, als wer sich über Allah eine Lüge ausdenkt oder Seine Zeichen als Lüge bezeichnet? Den Unrechthandelnden ergeht es ja nicht wohl. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

6.21. Und wer ist ungerechter, als wer gegen Allah eine Lüge ersinnt oder Seine Zeichen für Lüge erklärt? Gewiß, den Ungerechten wird es nicht wohl ergehen. (Bubenheim)

6.21. ?usserst ungerecht ist derjenige, der über Gott Lügen erfindet oder Gottes einleuchtende Beweise für Lügen erklärt. Den Ungerechten ist gewiss kein Erfolg beschieden. (Azhar)

6.21. Und keiner begeht mehr Unrecht als derjenige, der im Namen ALLAHs Lügen erfindet oder Seine Ayat verleugnet. Gewiß, die Unrecht-Begehenden sind niemals erfolgreich. (Zaidan)

6.21. Und wer ist frevelhafter, als wer gegen Allah eine Lüge ausheckt, oder seine Verse für Lüge erklärt? Den Frevlern wird es nicht wohl ergehen. (Paret)

6.21. Und wer ist ungerechter als der, der eine Lüge gegen Allah ersinnt oder Seine Verse für Lüge erklärt? Wahrlich, die Ungerechten erlangen keinen Erfolg. (Rasul)

6.21. Wer ist denn ungerechter als derjenige, der eine Lüge gegen Allah erfindet oder Seine Verse leugnet? Wahrlich, die Ungerechten werden niemals Erfolg haben. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 19 bis 21

Ask them, "Whose testimony is the most reliable?" Say "Allah is witness ( 11 ) between me and you (that I am His Messenger), and this Qur'an has been revealed to me so that I should thereby warn you and all whom it may reach. What, will you really testify that there are other deities besides Allah?" ( 12 ) Say, "As for me, I will never testify such a thing." ( 13 ) Say, "Indeed, He alone is the Deity and I feel disgusted with the shirk you practise." Those, to whom We have given the Book, recognize this with as much certainty as they recognize their own sons. ( 14 ) But those, who have made themselves liable to perdition, do not believe in this. And, who can be more unjust than the one who brings false allegations against Allah ( 15 ) or denies Allah's Signs? ( 16 ) Indeed, such unjust people can never attain to true success.

Desc No: 11
That is. "Allah is a witness that I have been appointed a Messenger by Him and whatever I say is from Him." 

Desc No: 12
Mere guess-work or speculation does not suffice for testifying to anything: none can testify to a thing with certainty without the necessary knowledge about it. The question implies: "Do you really have the knowledge that there is any other Sovereign with authority than Allah, Who is worthy of service and worship?"  

Desc No: 13
That is, "You may, if you so like, give false testimony without any knowledge, but, as for me, I cannot give such a testimony." 

Desc No: 14
It means that those, who possess the knowledge of revealed Books, know it for certain that there is only One God, Who has no partner in His Godhead. Therefore they can discern the right creed about Allah from among many different kinds of other creeds' and theories about Godhead, just as any person can identify his own child from among many thousands of other children.  

Desc No: 15
"False allegation" is the claim that there are many other partners with Allah in His Godhead who have divine attributes and powers and are thus worthy of worship. It is also false to allege that Allah Himself has made such and such His special courtiers and has enjoined (or at least approved) that Divine attributes should be ascribed to them and that they should be treated with reverence, like Allah. 

Desc No: 16
"Allah's Signs" are all those signs that point to the fact that there is only One God in the universe and that all others are His servants. These signs are spread all over the universe. They are found in the person of man himself and in the character and the great achievements of the Prophets and in the revealed Books. That is why the one, who, in the presence of all these "Signs," ascribes Divine attributes to others and considers them worthy of Divine rights, is in fact guilty of gross iniquity. It is indeed a great injustice that one should ascribe such Divine attributes to others without any evidence, knowledge, observation and experience merely on the basis of guess-work or the traditions of the forefathers. As a result of this false creed, he does injustice to Truth, to Reality, to his own self and to everything and everyone he deals with in this universe.  "

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