69.3. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the reality is! (Pickthall)
69.3. Und was läßt dich wissen, was das Wirklichwerden ist? (Ahmad v. Denffer)
69.3. Und was läßt dich wissen, was die fällig Werdende ist? (Bubenheim)
69.3. Und wie kannst du wissen, was das wahrhaftige Ereignis ist? (Azhar)
69.3. Und was weißt du, was Al-haqqa ist?! (Zaidan)
69.3. Wie kannst du wissen, was das ist? (Paret)
69.3. Und wie kannst du wissen, was Al-Haqqa ist? (Rasul)
69.3. Und was lässt dich wissen, was das Wahre ist? (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 1 bis 3
The Inevitable! ( 1 ) What is the Inevitable? And what do you know what the Inevitable is? ( 2 )
Desc No: 1 The word al-Haaqqah as used in the Text means an event which has inevitably to take place and the occurrence of which in the future is so certain as to admit of no doubt or suspicion. To use this word for Resurrection and to begin the discourse with it by itself shows that the people were denying its occurrence. They are being told: "That which you are denying is inevitable: your denial will not prevent its occurrence. "
Desc No: 2 These two questions, one after the other, have been put to arouse the listeners, to make them understand the importance of the the me and listen to what follows with full attention.