7.183. I give them rein (for) lo! My scheme is strong. (Pickthall)
7.183. Und Ich lasse ihnen lange Zeit, Mein Plan ist ja fest. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
7.183. Und Ich gewähre ihnen Aufschub. Gewiß, Meine List ist fest. (Bubenheim)
7.183. Ich lasse ihnen Zeit. Meine verborgenen Strafpläne sind hart. (Azhar)
7.183. Auch gewähre ICH ihnen noch mehr Zeit. Doch Meine Bestrafung ist hart. (Zaidan)
7.183. Und ich gewähre ihnen Aufschub (um sie nachher um so schwerer zu bestrafen). Meine List ist mit Bedacht angelegt. (Paret)
7.183. Und Ich werde ihnen Aufschub gewähren; denn wahrlich, Meine Pläne sind stark angelegt. (Rasul)
7.183. (Bis dahin) gewähre Ich ihnen (jedoch) Aufschub (für eine bestimmte Zeit). Gewiss, Mein Plan ist mit Bedacht angelegt. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 180 bis 183
Allah is entitled to most excellent names: ( 141 ) so call Him by excellent names only and leave alone those who deviate froth the Truth in giving names to Him; they shall be recompensed for what they have been doing. ( 142 ) From among those We have created, there are some who guide with the truth and do justice therewith. As regards those who have treated Our Revelations as false, We will gradually lead them on to ruin in a way they will not know. Though I am giving them a respite, My plan is infallible.
Desc No: 141 Now that the discourse is coming to an end, the people are being admonished and reproved to guard against some well known deviations. At the same time they have been warned of the serious consequences of the attitude of ridicule and denial they were adopting towards the Message of the Holy Prophet.
Desc No: 142 This admonition about giving names to Allah is of great importance, for different names reflect different concepts which people form of Him in their minds. It is obvious that people give such names to things as express their conception of them. The defects in the conceptions of things are reflected by the defects in the names and defects in the names show the defects in the conceptions. Besides this, man's relationships and his dealings depend on that particular. conception which he forms about some one o_ r some thing. The defect in the conception of things shows itself in the defect of one's relationship to it. On the other hand, if one's conception of a thing is correct and right, one's relationship to it will also be of the correct and right son. The same is true in the case of one's relationship with Allah. The error one commits in giving wrong names to Allah (whether for distinction with reference to His attributes) is the result of one's error in the creed and in the conception of Allah and His attributes. A man commits the same kind of error and to the same extent in the formation of his moral attitude towards life that he commits in his creed and his conception of Allah. In fact a man's moral attitude towards life is wholly governed by his conception of Allah and his relationship to Him and the universe. That is why Allah has commanded the people to give most excellent names to Him and to refrain from giving wrong names to Hint, for He is worthy of excellent names only. Therefore the best thing is to give Him excellent names because the results of the perversion of His names are most serious "Excellent names" are those names that point to the greatness, the supremacy, the sanctity, the purity and the perfection of His attributes. It shall be deemed perversion of His names to give Hint such names as are below His dignity; which are against the reverence due to Him; which ascribe defects and shortcomings to Him or mislead one to form wrong creeds about Him. Again it shall also be a perversion to give such names to any of His creation as are worthy of Allah alone As regards the Command ".....leave alone those who pervert His names," it means, "........you need not involve yourself in useless discussions with them, if they do not listen to your admonition and do not try to understand what you say, but use crooked arguments to confuse the issue They themselves shall see the consequences of their deviation". "