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43.85. Und Segensreich ist Derjenige, Dem die Herrschaft der Himmel und der Erde und dessen, was dazwischen ist, gehört, Der das Wissen über die Stunde besitzt und zu Dem ihr zurückgebracht werdet!

[ azZuchruf:85 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alA'raf (7)  Ayah: 186


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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

7.186. Man yudlili Allahu falahadiya lahu wayadharuhum fii tughyanihimyaAAmahuuna

7.186. Those whom Allah sendeth astray, there is no guide for them. He leaveth them to wander blindly on in their contumacy. (Pickthall)

7.186. Wen Allah fehlgehen läßt, für den gibt es keinen Rechtleitenden, und Er läßt sie in ihrer Auflehnung verwendet irre sein. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

7.186. Wen Allah in die Irre gehen läßt, der hat keinen, der ihn rechtleiten könnte; Er läßt sie in ihrer Auflehnung umherirren. (Bubenheim)

7.186. Wen Gott irregehen lässt, weil er sich dafür entschieden hat, den kann keiner rechtleiten. So lässt Gott sie in ihrer Widerspenstigkeit wie Blinde herumirren. (Azhar)

7.186. Wen ALLAH in die Irre gehen lässt, der findet gewiss keinen Rechtleitenden. Und ER lässt sie in ihrer Maßlosigkeit sich verblenden. 1 (Zaidan)

7.186. Wen Allah irreführt, für den gibt es keinen, der ihn rechtleiten würde. Er läßt sie in ihrer Widersetzlichkeit (verharren), so daß sie (zuletzt) blindlings umherirren. (Paret)

7.186. Für den, den Allah irreführt, kann es keinen geben, der ihn rechtleitet; und Er läßt sie in ihrer Widerspenstigkeit blindlings umherirren. (Rasul)

7.186. Wen auch immer Allah in die Irre gehen lässt, für den gibt es keinen Rechtleitenden, (und) Er lässt sie in ihrer Rebellion blind umherirren. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 184 bis 186

And have they never reflected on this matter? There is no tinge of unsoundness of mind in their companion; he is a Warner, who is warning plainly (beforehand of the evil consequence). Have they never considered the functioning of the heavens and the earth, and have they never observed closely anything that Allah has created? ( 143 ) And has it never occurred to them that their life might have come near to its end? ( 144 ) Then what else can there be in which they will believe after this warning of the Messenger? Whomever Allah deprives of guidance has no guide, for Allah leaves such people wandering about blindly in their contumacy.

Desc No: 143
These questions have been posed to refute the charge that their comrade, Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him), was suffering from a disorder of the mind, for otherwise he would not have given the Message he was conveying. They have been asked to reflect upon the fact that he was born and bred among them and had been their comrade before he claimed that he was appointed a Messenger by Allah. During all those years they had known him to be of a sound mind and of a good nature. Thus it is obvious that they charged him of having a distracted mind not because of what he said before his Prophethood but because of what he proclaimed as a Prophet. That is why they have been asked to reflect upon and point out anything from his Message which they regarded as meaningless, unreal and irrational. If they had ever reflected upon the wisdom of the wonderful administration of the heavens and the earth or observed closely any creation of Allah, they would have come to the inevitable conclusion that the whole system of the universe, nay, each and every particle of His creation is a clear evidence of the Truth of His Message. For all these things refute shirk and prove the Oneness of Allah and invite people to His worship and arouse in them the sense of responsibility and accountability. And that was what their brother was preaching. 

Desc No: 144
That is to say, "They do not realise even this much that none knows the exact time of one's death, and that they should, therefore, make the best use of the respite that has been given them and repent and reform themselves; otherwise they will meet with serious consequences." 

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