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41.6. Sag: Gewiß, ich bin ja nur ein menschliches Wesen wie ihr; mir wird (als Offenbarung) eingegeben, daß euer Gott nur ein Einziger Gott ist. So richtet euch zu Ihm hin und bittet Ihn um Vergebung. Und wehe den Götzendienern,

[ Fussilat:6 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alA'raf (7)  Ayah: 195


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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

7.195. Alahum ardschulun yamschuuna biha amlahum aydin yabtischuuna biha am lahum aAAyunun yubsiruunabiha am lahum athanun yasmaAAuuna biha quliodAAuu schurakaakum thumma kiiduuni fala tundhiruuni

7.195. Have they feet wherewith they walk, or have they hands wherewith they hold, or have they eyes wherewith they see, or have they ears wherewith they hear? Say: Call upon your (so called) partners (of Allah), and then contrive against me, spare me not! (Pickthall)

7.195. Haben sie Füße, mit denen sie gehen? Oder haben sie Hände, mit denen sie zupacken? Oder haben sie Augen, mit denen sie etwas erblicken? Oder haben sie Ohren, mit denen sie hören? Sag: Ruft eure Mitgötter, dann plant die List gegen mich und gebt mir nicht Aufschub, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

7.195. Haben sie (etwa) Füße, mit denen sie gehen, oder haben sie Hände, mit denen sie zupacken, oder haben sie Augen, mit denen sie sehen, oder haben sie Ohren, mit denen sie hören? Sag: Ruft eure Teilhaber an, und hierauf schmiedet eure List gegen mich an und gewährt mir keinen Aufschub. (Bubenheim)

7.195. Sie können nicht einmal was ihr könnt. Haben sie etwa Füße, mit denen sie gehen oder Hände, mit denen sie zuschlagen oder Augen, mit denen sie sehen oder Ohren, mit denen sie hören können? Sprich: "Ruft eure Götzen an, die ihr Gott beigesellt, und schmiedet unverzüglich böse Pläne gegen mich!" (Azhar)

7.195. Haben sie etwa Beine, mit denen sie gehen können, oder etwa Hände, mit denen sie zuschlagen können, oder etwa Augen, mit denen sie sehen können, oder etwa Ohren, mit denen sie hören können?! Sag: ‚Richtet nur Bittgebete an eure Partner, dann führt eure List gegen mich durch und gewährt mir dabei keine Zeit! (Zaidan)

7.195. Haben sie (etwa) Beine, mit denen sie gehen, oder Hände, mit denen sie zupacken, oder Augen, mit denen sie sehen, oder Ohren, mit denen sie hören können? Sag: Betet zu euren Teilhabern! Hierauf wendet List gegen mich an (wenn ihr könnt) und laßt mich nicht lange warten! (Paret)

7.195. Haben sie etwa Füße, um zu gehen, oder haben sie Hände, um zu greifen, oder haben sie Augen, um zu sehen, oder haben sie Ohren, um zu hören? Sprich: "Ruft eure Götter an; dann schmiedet Listen gegen mich und lasset mich nicht lange warten. (Rasul)

7.195. Haben sie (etwa) Füsse, mit denen sie gehen, oder Hände, mit denen sie zupacken, oder Augen, mit denen sie sehen, oder Ohren, mit denen sie hören können? Sprich: "Ruft (doch) eure Teilhaber (neben Allah) an und schmiedet eine List gegen mich, ohne mir (dabei) Aufschub zu gewähren. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 189 bis 195

It is Allah Who created you from one being, and of the same species He made his mate, so that he may have a tranquil life with her. Then when a man covered a woman, she bore a light burden with which she moved about. But when she became heavy with it, both of them prayed together to Allah, their Lord: "If Thou givest us a sound child, we will be grateful to Thee. " But when Allah gave them a child of sound body and sound mind, they both began to associate partners with Allah in His favour, but Allah is exalted far above what they associate with Him. ( 146 ) How foolish are these people! They associate with Him partners who do not create anything but are themselves created, who cannot help them nor have power to help themselves. If you invite them to follow the Right Way, they will not follow you; it will be all the same for you whether you call them or keep silent. ( 147 ) Those whom you invoke besides Allah are mere servants of Allah tike you: just invoke them, and, if what you say of them be true, they will answer your prayers. Have they feet that they should walk with them? Or have they hands that they should hold with them? Or have they eyes that they should see with them? Or have they ears that they should hear with them? ( 148 ) Tell them, O Muhammad. "Call up the partners you have set up; then all of you sit down together and plot against me and give me no respite".

Desc No: 146
In order to understand this passage, it should be kept in mind that it criticizes the pagan Arabs for associating partners with Allah in the matter of the birth of children. They have been told to remember that the first man and his mate were brought into being by Allah: and they could not deny this. Then they also knew that it is He Who has arranged the birth of human beings after the first pair: that it is He by Whose will a woman becomes pregnant and who nourishes the child in her womb in a wonderful manner, and that it is He Who imbues it with a sound body and sound mind with various powers and capabilities and lets it come out as a healthy human being. They could not deny that all this is in the power of Allah alone. If Allah willed, He could have created a monkey, a serpent or any other animal in her womb or made the child deformed or physically or mentally defective. They knew that no one had the power to make any change in Allah's creation. That is why all their hopes were centred in Allah during the period of pregnancy and prayers were invoked for the birth of a perfect child. But it is an irony that the pagans as well as the Believers change their whole attitude after the birth of a child, and, instead of being grateful to Allah, they make their grateful offerings to some god or goddess or saint or the like and give such names as smack of shirk-Pir Bakhsh, "Favour of the Saint," or Abdur-Rasul, "Servant of the Prophet" etc.
Though the passage is quite clear, yet a misunderstanding has arisen about it, which has been supported by weak traditions. The mention of the first man and woman (Adam and Eve) in the beginning, and immediately after it of a man and a woman, has led to the confusion that both the pairs were one and the same. Therefore some commentators were of the opinion that the man was Adam and the woman who became pregnant was Eve and that they prayed to Allah for their child in the womb, but when it was born, they associated others with Allah in this favour. Then, with the help of weak traditions they concocted a complete story about it: When several children of Eve died soon after their birth, Satan came to her at the birth of one, and seduced her saying, "If you give him the name of `Abdul Harith, the servant of Satan, he will survive." It is all the more regrettable that some of these traditions have been linked up to the Holy Prophet. But the fact is that all these traditions are unauthentic and are not supported by the wording of the Qur'an and by the context in which they occur. The Qur'an criticises the pagans for associating others with Allah in the matter of birth, when they themselves acknowledge that it is He Who is the Creator of the children which are born as a result of the cohabitation of a man and a woman. That is why they also invoke Allah for the safe delivery of the child; when they are not sure of the perfection of the child. But after the safe delivery of a sound child, they turn to others with gratitude and offerings. It is thus clear that it is not any particular man and woman who have been admonished for their behaviour, but every man and every woman, (including pagan men and women) who behave like that.
In this connection it should also be noted that the condition of the present-day Muslims is even worse than that of the pagan Arabs whom the Qur'an has condemned in this passage. They committed shirk after the delivery of the child, though before this they prayed to Allah for the child. But the Muslims of today, who claim to be the bearers of the creed of Tauhid, go far beyond this. These wretched people pray to others even for the birth of a child and make vows to others during the period of pregnancy, and after the delivery of the child make offerings to the associates they set up with Allah. Yet they consider those Arabs as pagans who deserved Hell, and themselves as Believers in One Allah, for whom Paradise has been guaranteed!  

Desc No: 147
This is to show the helplessness of the deities of the pagans. Not to speak of guiding their worshippers to the Right Way, they themselves are unable to follow the guidance of others. So much so that they cannot give any answer to the call of any one. 

Desc No: 148
It is obvious that here they are being criticised for one of the three kinds of shirk they practised. First, they worshipped idols, images or some other symbols of the objects of their worship. The second kind of shirk was the worship of some persons or spirits which were represented by idols, pictures, etc. The third kind of shirk consisted of the wrong creeds that were the basis of these practices of shirk. All the three kinds of practices have been criticised severely in the Qur'an at different places. Here it condemns the idols before which the pagan Arabs performed their religious rituals and presented their supplications and made their offerings.  "

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