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46.8. Oder sagen sie etwa: "Er hat ihn ersonnen"? Sag: Wenn ich ihn ersonnen haben sollte, so vermögt ihr für mich nichts gegen Allah (auszurichten). Er weiß sehr wohl, worüber ihr euch (ausgiebig) auslaßt. Er genügt als Zeuge zwischen mir und euch. Und Er ist der Allvergebende und Barmherzige.

[ alAhqaf:8 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alGinn (72)  Ayah: 23


Medina-Musshaf Seite 573

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

72.23. Illa balaghan mina Allahiwarisalatihi waman yaAAsi Allahawarasuulahu fa-inna lahu nara dschahannama khalidiinafiiha abadan

72.23. (Mine is) but conveyance (of the truth) from Allah, and His messages; and whoso disobeyeth Allah and His messenger, lo! his is fire of hell, wherein such dwell for ever. (Pickthall)

72.23. Es ist nur ein Bekanntmachen von Allah und Seiner Botschaften, und wer sich Allah und Seinem Gesandten widersetzt, für den das Feuer der Hölle, ewig bleibt er dort, für immer. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

72.23. (Ich vermag) nur etwas zu übermitteln von Allah und Seinen Botschaften. Und wer sich Allah und Seinem Gesandten widersetzt, gewiß, für ihn wird es das Feuer der Hölle geben, ewig und auf immer darin zu bleiben. (Bubenheim)

72.23. Ich kann nur von Gott und Seinen Botschaften verkünden. Denjenigen, die sich Gott und Seinem Gesandten widersetzen, steht das Feuer der Hölle zu, in der sie ewig bleiben werden. (Azhar)

72.23. außer über Verkünden von ALLAH und Seiner Botschaften. Und wer sich ALLAH und Seinem Gesandten widersetzt, also gewiss ist Dschahannam für ihn bestimmt. Darin bleiben sie ewig, für immer. (Zaidan)

72.23. (Ich habe) nur (was mir) von Allah (aufgetragen ist) aus(zu)richten und seine Botschaften (an euch weiterzugeben). Diejenigen aber, die gegen Allah und seinen Gesandten widerspenstig sind, haben das Feuer der Hölle zu erwarten, um ewig darin zu weilen. (Paret)

72.23. (Ich habe) nur die Übermittlung (der Offenbarung) von Allah und Seine Botschaften (auszurichten)." Und für diejenigen, die sich Allah und Seinem Gesandten widersetzen, ist das Feuer der Hölle bestimmt; darin werden sie auf ewig bleiben. (Rasul)

72.23. Ich verkünde nur das, was mir von Allah (offenbart wird), und (damit) übermittle ich Seine Botschaft." Für diejenigen, die sich Allah und Seinem Gesandten widersetzen, ist das Feuer der Hölle bestimmt, in dem sie ewig verweilen werden. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 16 bis 23

And ( 15 ) (O Prophet, say: it has been revealed to me:) "If the people had steadfastly pursued the right way, We would have given them abundant waters to drink ( 16 ) that We might try them by that blessing. ( 17 ) And he who turns away from his Lord's remembrance, ( 18 ) his Lord shall punish him with a severe torment. And that the mosques are for Allah; therefore, do not call upon anyone else in them along with Allah. ( 19 ) And that when the servant of Allah ( 20 ) " stood up to invoke Him, the people were ready to assault him." O Prophet, say; "I call upon my Lord alone, and I do not associate anyone with Him. " ( 21 ) Say, "I have no control over any harm or good for you. " Say, "None can protect me from Allah, nor can I find any refuge apart from Him. My mission is only to convey what I receive from Him and His messages. ( 22 ) Now whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger for him awaits the fire of Hell: such people shall dwell in it for ever. ( 23 )

Desc No: 15
The conversation of the jinn having come to an end, with this begins the speech of Allah. 

Desc No: 16
This is the same thing as has been said above in Surah Nuh: 10-11. "Seek forgiveness of Allah. .. He will send abundant rains for you from heaven. " (For explanation, see E.N. 12 of Surah Nuh). Abundance of water has been used for abundance of blessings metaphorically for human life and habitation depend on water. Without water there can be no human settlement, nor can man's basic needs be fulfilled, nor his industries work and prosper. 

Desc No: 17
"We might try them by that blessing": "We might see whether they remain grateful after having received the blessing or not, and whether they put Our blessing to right use or not. " 

Desc No: 18
"To turn away from Allah's remembrance" means that one may reject the advice and admonition sent down by Allah, or one may disdain giving ear to Allah's remembrance, or one may turn away from the worship of Allah. 

Desc No: 19
The commentators generally have taken "mosques" to mean the places of worship. Accordingly, the verse means: "None should he associated in the worship of Allah in the places of worship. Hadrat Hasan Basri says: The entire earth is a place of worship, and the verse means to say: polytheism ought not to be committed anywhere on God's earth," He has reasoned out this meaning from the Holy Prophet's Hadith "For me the entire earth has been made a place of worship and a means of obtaining purity:" Hadrat Sa`id bin Jubair has interpreted masajid to imply the parts of the body on which one prostrates oneself, i.e. the hands, the knees, toes and forehead. According to this explanation, the verse means: These limbs have been made by Allah; no one should prostrate oneself on these before anyone other than Allah. 

Desc No: 20
"Servant of Allah": the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace). 

Desc No: 21
That is, to call upon Allah is no objectionable thing, which may so provoke the people. The evil thing, however, is that one should associate another with Allah in His divinity, and this I never do; this is done by those who mob and surround me when they hear God mentioned by me. 

Desc No: 22
That is, "I do not claim to have any share or role in the Godhead of Allah, nor that I possess any power in making or marring the people's destinies. I am only a Messenger and the mission that has been entrusted to me is no more than that I should convey the messages of Allah to you. As for the powers of Godhead, they wholly belong to Allah. Not to speak of benefiting or harming others, I do not have the power to cause good or harm even to myself. If I disobey Allah, I cannot seek and have refuge anywhere from His punishment, and 1 have no helper and protector beside Allah." (For further explanation, see E.N. 7 of Ash-Shura). 

Desc No: 23
This does not mean that every sin and act of disobedience will cause one to live in Hell for ever, but in view of the context in which this thing bas been said, the verse means: the one who dces not accept the invitation to Tauhid given by Allah and His Messenger and does not refrain from polytheism will suffer in Hell for ever. 

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