77.34. Woe unto the repudiators on that day! (Pickthall)
77.34. Wehe an diesem Tag den Ableugnenden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.34. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Bubenheim)
77.34. Wehe an diesem Tag den Leugnern! (Azhar)
77.34. Niedergang ist an diesem Tag für die Ableugnenden bestimmt! (Zaidan)
77.34. Wie schlecht ist es an jenem Tag um diejenigen bestellt, die (unsere Botschaft) für Lüge erklären! (Paret)
77.34. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Rasul)
77.34. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 29 bis 34
Go off ( 17 ) now to the same that you used to deny. Go off to the shadow which has three branches. ( 18 ) It neither gives coolness nor shelter from the flame of Fire. The Fire shall throw off sparks as huge as castles as though they were yellow camels. ( 19 ) Woe on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)!
Desc No: 17 After giving proofs of the coming of the Hereafter, now it is being stated how the deniers will be dealt with when it has actually taken place.
Desc No: 18 "Shadow": shadow of smoke; "three branches": because when a big smoke arises it is divided into several parts at the top.
Desc No: 19 That is, each spark will be like a castle, and when these huge sparks will rise and burst and fly about in all directions it will seem as though they were yellow camels running and jumping about ceaselessly.