79.14. Und dann sind sie auf der Erdoberfläche. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
79.14. und sogleich sind sie auf der Oberfläche. (Bubenheim)
79.14. da werden sie schon am Versammlungsort sein. (Azhar)
79.14. sogleich sind sie auf der flachen Ebene. (Zaidan)
79.14. und schon sind sie (hell) wach (fa-izaa hum bis-saahirati). (Paret)
79.14. und siehe, sie sind dann auf der Erdoberfläche. (Rasul)
79.14. und sogleich werden sie auf der (Erd)oberfläche (auferstanden) sein. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 10 bis 14
They say, "Shall we really be restored to our former state? What, when we shall have become hollow, rotten bones?" They said, "It would then be a return with sheer loss! " ( 4 ) Whereas it will only need a single shout and they will forthwith appear in an open plain. ( 5 )
Desc No: 4 That is, when they were told that they would surely be raised back to life after death, they started mocking it, saying to one another, "Well, if we have really to be restored to our former state of life, then we would certainly be doomed. "
Desc No: 5 That is, "They are mocking it as an impossibility, whereas it is not at all a difficult task for Allah for the performance of which He may have to make lengthy preparations. For it only a single shout or cry is enough at which your dust of ash will gather together from wherever it lay, and you will suddenly find yourself alive on the back of the earth. Thinking this return to be a return to loss, you may try to escape from it however hard you may, but it will inevitably take place; it cannot be averted by your denial, escape or mockery."