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67.27. Wenn sie es aber nahe (bei sich) sehen, dann werden die Gesichter derjenigen, die ungläubig sind, böse betroffen sein. Und es wird gesagt werden: "Das ist das, was ihr stets herbeizurufen wünschtet."
88.16. Und ausgelegte Teppiche. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
88.16. und ausgebreitete Teppiche. (Bubenheim)
88.16. und ausgebreitete, schön verteilte Teppiche. (Azhar)
88.16. und verteilte Teppiche. (Zaidan)
88.16. und Teppiche, die da und dort (auf dem Boden) ausgelegt sind (zaraabieyu mabthuuthatun). (Paret)
88.16. und ausgebreitete Teppiche. (Rasul)
88.16. und ausgebreitete Teppiche. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 1 bis 16
Has the news of the over-shadowing calamity (of Resurrection) reached you? ( 1 ) Some faces ( 2 ) on that Day shall be downcast, labouring, hard, feeling weary, scorching in the blazing fire. They will be given to drink from a boiling fountain, and their only food will be thorny, dry grass, ( 3 ) which will neither fatten nor satisfy hunger. Some faces on that Day shall be joyful, well-pleased with their endeavours, ( 4 ) in a lofty Garden; there they shall hear no idle talk. ( 5 ) In it there will be running springs; in it there will be raised couches; goblets set forth; ( 6 ) cushions ranged in rows and fine carpets spread out.
Desc No: 1 "The over-shadowing calamity": the Resurrection which will overshadow the whole world. One should know that here the Hereafter as a whole is being depicted, which comprehends all the stages from the upsetting of the present system to the resurrection of all human beings and the dispensation of rewards and punishments from the Divine Court.
Desc No: 2 Some faces : some persons, so said for the face is the most conspicuous part of the human body by which man s personality is judged and which reflects the good or bad states through which man passes.
Desc No: 3 At some places in the Qur'an it has been stated that the dwellers of Hell will be given zaqqum to eat; at another place it has been said that they will have no other food but glhislin (washing from wounds), and here that "their only food will he thorny, dry grass." There is, in fact, no contradiction between these statements. This may as welt mean that Hell will have many different compartment in which different categories of the criminals will be lodged according to their crimes, and subjected to different punishments. This may also mean that if they try to avoid zaqqum they will be given ghislin, and if they try to avoid even that, they will only get thorny grass. In short, they would get nothing to suit their taste.
Desc No: 4 That is. they will be overjoyed to see the best results in the Hereafter of their endeavours and deeds in the world; they will be satisfied to see that they had, in fact, made a profitable bargain in that they had adopted a life of faith, virtue and piety, by sacrificing the desires of the flesh, undergone hardships in carrying out their obligations, endured afflictions in obeying the Divine Commands, incurred losses and suffered deprivation of benefits and pleasures while trying to avoid sins and acts of disobedience.
Desc No: 5 This thing has been mentioned at several places in the Qur'an as a major blessing of Paradise. (For explanation, see E.N. 38 of Maryam, E.N. 18 of At-Tur, E.N. 13 of Al-Wiiqi`ah, E.N. 21 of An-Naba).
Desc No: 6 That is, filled goblets already supplied so that they do not have to ask for them.