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4.144. O die ihr glaubt, nehmt nicht die Ungläubigen anstatt der Gläubigen zu Schutzherren! Wollt ihr denn Allah eine offenkundige Handhabe gegen euch liefern?
9.57. Law yadschiduuna maldschaan aw magharatinaw muddakhalan lawallaw ilayhi wahum yadschmahuuna
9.57. Had they but found a refuge, or caverns, or a place to enter, they surely had resorted thither swift as runaways. (Pickthall)
9.57. Wenn sie eine Zufluchtsstätte finden würden oder Grotten oder einen Eingangsort, würden sie sich bestimmt dorthin kehren, und sie, sie gehen durch. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
9.57. Wenn sie einen Zufluchtsort oder Höhlen oder (sonst) ein Schlupfloch fänden, würden sie sich wahrlich dorthin wenden, und zwar fluchtartig. (Bubenheim)
9.57. Fänden sie einen Zufluchtsort oder Höhlen oder ein Versteck, würden sie sich in großer Hast dorthin begeben. (Azhar)
9.57. Würden sie einen Zufluchtsort, Höhlen oder Unterschlupf finden, gewiss würden sie sich dorthin begeben, während sie überhastig sind. (Zaidan)
9.57. Wenn sie einen Zufluchtsort fänden oder (irgendwelche) Höhlen oder (sonst) einen Ort, in den man hineingehen kann (um sich darin zu verstecken), würden sie sich in wilder Hast (wa-hum yadschmahuuna) dahin wenden. (Paret)
9.57. Könnten sie nur einen Zufluchtsort finden oder Höhlen oder ein Schlupfloch, würden sie gewiß in wilder Hast dorthin eilen. (Rasul)
9.57. Wenn sie (beim Kampf) einen Zufluchtsort, eine Höhle oder ein Versteck finden, dann eilen sie dorthin in wilder Hast. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 56 bis 57
They swear by Allah that they are Believers like you, whereas they are not at all of you. In fact, they are people who are afraid of you: if they could find a place of refuge or a cave or a hiding place to lode therein, they would run in frantic haste to take refuge in it. ( 56 )
Desc No: 56 This was the condition of the hypocrites of AI-Madinah, the majority of whore were rich and old. We find from a list of the hypocrites, cited by Ibn Kathir in Al-Badayah-wan-Nihayah, that only one of them was young and none was poor. These people had large properties and flourishing businesses in AlMadinah. They were worldly-wise and their wide experience had taught them expediency, but their sense of self-interest had put them into a dilemma. When Islam reached Al-Madinah and a large majority of the population embraced it sincerely and enthusiastically, they found themselves in a very perplexing situation. They could not reject it outright for the majority of their own people, nay, their own sons and daughters, were filled with enthusiasm for Islam. If they had remained unbelievers, they would have lost their high position, their prestige and reputation and run the risk of a rebellion by the Muslims of their own household. On the other hand, if they sincerely embraced Islam, they would incur the danger of war, not only with the whole of Arabia but also with the adjoining nations and empires. Above all, self-interest had so blinded them that, in resolving the dilemma, they would not consider the problem from the point of view of truth and righteousness which by themselves are worthy of every sacrifice. Therefore they decided that the best thing for them was to profess Islam outwardly in order to make their positions, properties and businesses secure, but to adopt a hypocritical attitude towards it so that they might be able to avoid the losses and perils inherent in the sincere acceptance of Islam. This verse (57) depicts the dilemma of the hypocrites, as if to say, "In reality these people are not Muslims, though they swear that they are Muslims like you; they profess Islam simply because they are afraid of losses they might incur, if they reject it outright. Then they dare not stay at AI-Madinah as non-Muslims for they would lose the high positions they enjoyed and might even have to cut off their connection with their wives and children; and if they decided to emigrate from AI-Madinah, they would have to abandon their properties and business. But they are not prepared for these sacrifices for they have no sincere attachment even to kufr. Therefore they are compelled against their beliefs by the force of circumstances to remain in AI-Madinah: they offer their Salat but regard this as forced labour: they pay the Zakat dues but as a penalty, for they are in their heart of hearts averse to these things. To add to their `calamities' they are asked every now and then to make sacrifices of their lives and their wealth and to go forth for Jihad and to fight with one enemy or the other. They are so much afraid of these `calamities' that, in order to escape from them, they would run in frantic haste to take refuge in any hole, if they hoped that it would provide immunity against these 'calamities' . "