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74.35. sie ist wahrlich eine der größten (Heimsuchungen)

[ alMuddatir:35 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah atTauba (9)  Ayah: 70


Medina-Musshaf Seite 198

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

9.70. Alam ya/tihim nabao alladhiina minqablihim qawmi nuuhin waAAadin wathamuuda waqawmiibrahiima waas-habi madyana waalmu/tafikatiatat-hum rusuluhum bialbayyinati fama kanaAllahu liyadhlimahum walakin kanuuanfusahum yadhlimuuna

9.70. Hath not the fame of those before them reached them the folk of Noah, Aad, Thamud, the folk of Abraham, the dwellers of Midian and the disasters (which befell them) ? Their messengers (from Allah) came unto them with proofs (of Allah ' s sovereignty). So Allah surely wronged them not, but they did wrong themselves. (Pickthall)

9.70. Ist nicht die Kunde zu ihnen gekommen von denjenigen, die vor ihnen waren? Das Volk Nuhs und Ad und Thamud und das Volk Ibrahims und die Gefährten von Madjan und die Umgestürzten? Zu ihnen sind ihre Gesandten gekommen, mit den klaren Beweisen, also hat Allah ihnen bestimmt nicht Unrecht angetan, sondern sie haben sich selber Unrecht angetan. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

9.70. Ist ihnen nicht die Kunde von denjenigen zugekommen, die vor ihnen waren, des Volkes Nuhs, der ´Ad und der Tamud, des Volkes Ibrahims, der Bewohner von Madyan und der umgestürzten Städte? Ihre Gesandten kamen zu ihnen mit den klaren Beweisen. Nimmer ist es Allah, der ihnen Unrecht getan hat, sondern sie selbst haben sich Unrecht zugefügt. (Bubenheim)

9.70. Haben die Nachrichten über die Völker vor ihnen sie nicht erreicht, über das Volk von Noah und von §?d und Thamûd, über das Volk von Abraham und die Bewohner Madyans und die Bewohner der vernichteten Städte? Ihre Gesandten legten ihnen klare Beweise vor. Gott hat ihnen keineswegs unrecht getan, sondern sie taten sich selbst unrecht. (Azhar)

9.70. Kam zu ihnen etwa nicht dieMitteilung über diejenigen vor ihnen: die Leute von Nuh, 'Aad, Thamud, die Leute von Ibrahim, die Bewohner von Madyan und von den Umgewandten ?! Ihre Gesandten kamen zu ihnen mit den deutlichen Zeichen, so gebührt ALLAH niemals, ihnen Unrecht anzutun. Doch sie pflegten sich selbst Unrecht anzutun. (Zaidan)

9.70. Ist (denn) nicht die Kunde von denen, die vor ihnen lebten, zu ihnen gekommen - von den Leuten Noahs, von `Aad und Thamuud, von den Leuten Abrahams, von den Gefährten von Madyan und von den zerstörten (Städten Sodom und Gomorrha)? Ihre Gesandten kamen (seinerzeit) mit den klaren Beweisen (baiyinaat) zu ihnen. Und Allah konnte unmöglich gegen sie freveln, sondern gegen sich selber frevelten sie (indem sie von den klaren Beweisen Allahs nichts wissen wollten und sich so ins Unrecht setzten). (Paret)

9.70. Hat sie nicht die Kunde von denen erreicht, die vor ihnen waren - vom Volke Noahs, von 'Ad und Thamud und vom Volke Abrahams und den Bewohnern Madyans und der zusammengestürzten Städte? Ihre Gesandten kamen mit deutlichen Zeichen zu ihnen. Allah also wollte ihnen kein Unrecht tun, doch sie taten sich selber Unrecht. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 67 bis 70

The hypocrites, both men and women, are all of a kind: they enjoin what is evil and forbid what is good and withhold their hands from doing good. ( 75 ) They forgot Allah: then Allah also forgot them; indeed the hypocrites are the evil-doers. Allah has promised the hypocrites, both men and women, as well as the disbelievers the fire of Hell, wherein they shall abide for ever: that is the proper place for them; for the curse of Allah is upon them and theirs is the lasting torment.-You are behaving ( 76 ) just like those who went before you: they had more power than you, and possessed greater riches and had more children than you: they had enjoyed their portion of the good things of the worldly life and you, too, have enjoyed your portion of the good things like them: you are also engaged in idle discussions like the discussions they held. Consequently in the end everything they did, proved vain in this world and shall be vain in the Next World: surely they are the people who are the losers. Has not ( 77 ) the story reached them of those who had gone before them-the people of Noah, tribes of `Ad and Thamud, the people of Abraham and the inhabitants of Midian and of the overturned cities ( 78 ) ? Their Messengers came to them with clear signs; then it was not Allah Who would wrong them, but they wronged their own selves. ( 79 )

Desc No: 75
These are the common characteristics of all hypocrites. All of them are interested in evil and inimical to good. If some one undertakes to do an evil thing, they would dedicate all their sympathies, counsels encouragements contributions. good wishes, praises and their approvals to such a one. They would join hands co accomplish that evil thing and persuade others to take part in it and encourage tire doer in every way. Moreover, they would show in every way their hearty pleasure if they perceived that that evil thing was progressing satisfactorily. On the other hand, if someone undertakes to do a good thing, they are shocked to Bear the very news of it for it pains their hearts; nay, they do not even like that such a thing should be undertaken at all. Then if they see some one coming forward to help it, they feel very uncomfortable and try their worst to hinder him from it and if he does not give it up, they would wish that he should fail in it. Then all of them have this common characteristic that they do not spend anything at all for good ends irrespective of the fact whether they be otherwise parsimonious or generous. At any rate, their wealth is either for hoarding or for evil deeds. As a matter of fact, they would spend large sums on evil works generously but would not be willing to spend a farthing for good things. 

Desc No: 76
In the preceding verse, they were being mentioned in the third person, but here they are being addressed directly in the second person. 

Desc No: 77
Again they are being mentioned in the third person. 

Desc No: 78
These were the people of Lot. 

Desc No: 79
"They wronged themselves" for they were themselves responsible for their destruction. Allah had no enmity with them and had no desire to destroy them. As a matter of fact, they themselves adopted the way of life that led to destruction, whereas Allah had sent His Messengers to them and afforded them the opportunities of thinking, understanding and reforming. His Messengers admonished and warned them of the consequences of treading wrong paths, and presented very clearly before there the Way that leads to success, and also the ways that lead to destruction. But when they did not benefit from the opportunities that were offered to them to mend their ways, and persisted in treading the ways that led to destruction, they inevitably met with the end for which they were heading. And this horrible end was not due to Allah's will to be unjust to theta but due to their own evil doings.  "

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