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17.66. Euer Herr ist es, der für euch die Schiffe auf dem Meer sanft bewegt, damit ihr nach etwas von Seiner Huld trachtet. Gewiß, Er ist zu euch Barmherzig.

[ alIsra':66 ]

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Ansicht der Ahadith 61-72 von 180 Ahadith, Seite 6/15


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Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 734
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

For one year I wanted to ask 'Umar about the two women who helped each other against the Prophet but I was afraid of him. One day he dismounted his riding animal and went among the trees of Arak to answer the call of nature, and when he returned, I asked him and he said, "(They were) 'Aisha and Hafsa." Then he added, "We never used to give significance to ladies in the days of the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, but when Islam came and Allah mentioned their rights, we used to give them their rights but did not allow them to interfere in our affairs. Once there was some dispute between me and my wife and she answered me back in a loud voice. I said to her, 'Strange! You can retort in this way?' She said, 'Yes. Do you say this to me while your daughter troubles Allah's Apostle?' So I went to Hafsa and said to her, 'I warn you not to disobey Allah and His Apostle.' I first went to Hafsa and then to Um Salama and told her the same. She said to me, 'O 'Umar! It surprises me that you interfere in our affairs so much that you would poke your nose even into the affairs of Allah's Apostle and his wives.' So she rejected my advice. There was an Ansari man; whenever he was absent from Allah's Apostle and I was present there, I used to convey to him what had happened (on that day), and when I was absent and he was present there, he used to convey to me what had happened as regards news from Allah's Apostle . During that time all the rulers of the nearby lands had surrendered to Allah's Apostle except the king of Ghassan in Sham, and we were afraid that he might attack us. All of a sudden the Ansari came and said, 'A great event has happened!' I asked him, 'What is it? Has the Ghassani (king) come?' He said, 'Greater than that! Allah's Apostle has divorced his wives! I went to them and found all of them weeping in their dwellings, and the Prophet had ascended to an upper room of his. At the door of the room there was a slave to whom I went and said, "Ask the permission for me to enter." He admitted me and I entered to see the Prophet lying on a mat that had left its imprint on his side. Under his head there was a leather pillow stuffed with palm fires. Behold! There were some hides hanging there and some grass for tanning. Then I mentioned what I had said to Hafsa and Um Salama and what reply Um Salama had given me. Allah's Apostle smiled and stayed there for twenty nine days and then came down." (See Hadith No. 648, Vol. 3 for details)

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 735
Narrated Um Salama:

One night the Prophet woke up, saying, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah! How many afflictions have been sent down tonight, and how many treasures have been sent down (disclosed)! Who will go and wake up (for prayers) the lady dwellers of these rooms? Many well dressed soul (people) in this world, will be naked on the Day of Resurrection."

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 736
Narrated Um Khalid bint Khalid:

Some clothes were presented to Allah's Apostle as a gift and there was a black Khamisa with it. The Prophet asked (his companions), "To whom do you suggest we give this Khamisa?" The people kept quiet. Then he said, "Bring me Um Khalid," So I was brought to him and he dressed me with it with his own hands and said twice, "May you live so long that you will wear out many garments." He then started looking at the embroidery of that Khamisa and said, "O Um Khalid! This is Sana!" (Sana in Ethiopian language means beautiful.) Ishaq, a sub-narrator, said: A woman of my family had told me that she had seen the Khamisa worn by Um Khalid.

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 737
Narrated Anas:

The Prophet forbade men to use saffron.

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 738
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

The Prophet forbade Muhrims to wear clothes dyed with Wars or saffron.

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 739
Narrated Al-Bara:

The Prophet was of a modest height. I saw him wearing a red suit, and I did not see anything better than him.

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 740
Narrated Al-Bara:

The Prophet ordered us to observe seven things: To visit the sick; follow funeral processions; say 'May Allah bestow His Mercy on you', to the sneezer if he says, 'Praise be to Allah!; He forbade us to wear silk, Dibaj, Qassiy and Istibarq (various kinds of silken clothes); or to use red Mayathir (silk-cushions). (See Hadith No. 253 A, Vol. 8).

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 741
Narrated Said Abu Maslama:

I asked Anas (bin Malik), "Did the Prophet use to offer the prayers with his shoes on?" He said, "Yes."

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 742
Narrated Said Al-Maqburi:

'Ubai bin Juraij said to 'Abdullah Ben 'Umar, "I see you doing four things which are not done by your friends." Ibn 'Umar said, "What are they, O Ibn Juraij?" He said, "I see that you do not touch except the two Yemenite corners of the Ka'ba (while performing the Tawaf): and I see you wearing the Sabtiyya shoes; and I see you dyeing (your hair) with Sufra; and I see that when you are in Mecca, the people assume the state of Ihram on seeing the crescent (on the first day of Dhul-Hijja) while you do not assume the state of Ihram till the Day of Tarwiya (8th Dhul Hijja)." 'Abdullah bin 'Umar said to him, "As for the corners of the Ka'ba, I have not seen Allah's Apostle touching except the two Yemenite corners, As for the Sabtiyya shoes, I saw Allah's Apostle wearing leather shoes that had no hair, and he used to perform the ablution while wearing them. Therefore, I like to wear such shoes. As regards dyeing with Sufra, I saw Allah's Apostle dyeing his hair with it, so I like to dye (my hair) with it. As regards the crescent (of Dhul-Hijja), I have not seen Allah's Apostle assuming the state of Ihram till his she-camel set out (on the 8th of Dhul-Hijja)."

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 743
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle forbade that a Muhrim should wear clothes dyed with Saffron or Wars, and said, "Whoever has no shoes can put on Khuffs after cutting it below the ankles."

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 744
Narrated Ibn Abbas:

The Prophet said, "Whoever has no Izar (waist sheet), can wear trousers; and whoever has no sandals, can wear Khuffs." (but cut them short below the ankles),

Band: 7, Buch: 72, Nummer: 745
Narrated  Aisha:

The Prophet used to like starting from the right in performing ablution, combing his hair and putting on his shoes.

Ansicht von 61-72 von 180 Ahadith, Seite 6/15


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