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Ansicht der Ahadith 157-168 von 187 Ahadith, Seite 14/16


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Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 622
Narrated  Aisha:

Whoever tells you that the Prophet concealed something of the Divine Inspiration, do not believe him, for Allah said: 'O Apostle Muhammad! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and if you do it not, then you have not conveyed His Message.' (5.67)

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 623
Narrated  Abdullah:

A man said, "O Allah's Apostle! Which sin is the biggest in Allah's Sight?" The Prophet said, "To set up rivals unto Allah though He Alone created you." That man said, "What is next?" The Prophet said, "To kill your son lest he should share your food with you.'' The man said, "What is next?" The Prophet said, "To commit illegal sexual intercourse with the wife of your neighbor." Then Allah revealed in confirmation of that: "And those who invoke not with Allah any other god, nor kill such life as Allah has made sacred except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment..... (25.68)

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 624
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle said, "Your stay (in this world) in comparison to the stay of the nations preceding you, is like the period between 'Asr prayer and the sun set (in comparison to a whole day). The people of the Torah were given the Torah and they acted on it till midday and then they were unable to carry on. And they were given (a reward equal to) one Qirat each. Then the people of the Gospel were given the Gospel and they acted on it till 'Asr Prayer and then they were unable to carry on, so they were given la reward equal to) one Qirat each. Then you were given the Qur'an and you acted on it till sunset, therefore you were given (a reward equal to) two Qirats each. On that, the people of the Scriptures said, 'These people (Muslims) did less work than we but they took a bigger reward.' Allah said (to them). 'Have I done any oppression to you as regards your rights?' They said, "No." Then Allah said, 'That is My Blessing which I grant to whomsoever I will.' "

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 625
Narrated Ibn Mas'ud:

A man asked the Prophet "What deeds are the best?" The Prophet said: (1) To perform the (daily compulsory) prayers at their (early) stated fixed times, (2) To be good and dutiful to one's own parents. (3) and to participate in Jihad in Allah's Cause."

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 626
Narrated Al-Hasan:

'Amr bin Taghlib said, "Some property was given to the Prophet and he gave it to some people and withheld it from some others. Then he came to know that they (the latter) were dissatisfied. So the Prophet said, 'I give to one man and leave (do not give) another, and the one to whom I do not give is dearer to me than the one to whom I give. I give to some people because of the impatience and discontent present in their hearts, and leave other people because of the content and goodness Allah has bestowed on them, and one of them is 'Amr bin Taghlib." 'Amr bin Taghlib said, "The sentence which Allah's Apostle said in my favor is dearer to me than the possession of nice red camels."

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 627
Narrated Anas:

The Prophet said, "My Lord says, 'If My slave comes nearer to me for a span, I go nearer to him for a cubit; and if he comes nearer to Me for a cubit, I go nearer to him for the span of outstretched arms; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' "

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 628
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Perhaps the Prophet mentioned the following (as Allah's Saying): "If My slave comes nearer to Me for a span, I go nearer to him for a cubit; and if he comes nearer to Me for a cubit; I go nearer to him for the span of outstretched arms. (See Hadith No. 502)

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 629
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said that your Lord said, "Every (sinful) deed can be expiated; and the fast is for Me, so I will give the reward for it; and the smell which comes out of the mouth of a fasting person, is better in Allah's Sight than the smell of musk." (See Hadith No. 584)

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 630
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

The Prophet said that his Lord said: "It does not befit a slave that he should say that he is better than Jonah (Yunus) bin Matta.

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 631
Narrated Shu'ba:

Mu'awiya bin Qurra reported that 'Abdullah bin Al-Maghaffal Al-Muzani said, "I saw Allah's Apostle on the day of the Conquest of Mecca, riding his she-camel and reciting Surat-al-Fath (48) or part of Surat-al-Fath. He recited it in a vibrating and pleasant voice. Then Mu'awiya recited as 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal had done and said, "Were I not afraid that the people would crowd around me, I would surely recite in a vibrating pleasant voice as Ibn Mughaffal did, imitating the Prophet." I asked Muawiya, "How did he recite in that tone?" He said thrice, "A, A , A."

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 632
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The people of the Scripture used to read the Torah in Hebrew and explain it to the Muslims in Arabic. Then Allah's Apostle said, "Do not believe the people of the Scripture, and do not disbelieve them, but say, 'We believe in Allah and whatever has been revealed...' (3.84)

Band: 9, Buch: 93, Nummer: 633
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

A Jew and Jewess were brought to the Prophet on a charge of committing an illegal sexual intercourse. The Prophet asked the Jews, "What do you (usually) do with them?" They said, "We blacken their faces and disgrace them." He said, "Bring here the Torah and recite it, if you are truthful." They (fetched it and) came and asked a one-eyed man to recite. He went on reciting till he reached a portion on which he put his hand. The Prophet said, "Lift up your hand!" He lifted his hand up and behold, there appeared the verse of Ar-Rajm (stoning of the adulterers to death). Then he said, "O Muhammad! They should be stoned to death but we conceal this Divine Law among ourselves." Then the Prophet ordered that the two sinners be stoned to death and, and they were stoned to death, and I saw the man protecting the woman from the stones. (See Hadith No. 809, Vol. 8)

Ansicht von 157-168 von 187 Ahadith, Seite 14/16


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